218 E Main Street
Lexington, SC 29072
803.359.2547 Phone
803.957.3900 Fax
Directions from I-20 (driving West)
Take Exit 58 - US Highway 1 (Augusta St) Lexington
Turn right onto US Highway 1 and drive 1.7 miles
The name of Augusta Street changes to E Main Street. Continue following an additional 0.7 miles and look for The Dooley Law Firm, P.A. on the right.
Directions from I-20 (driving East)
Take Exit 55 - State Highway 6 (S Lake Dr) Swansea/Lexington
Turn left onto Highway 6 and drive 1.6 miles
Turn right onto E Main Street and go 145 feet. The Dooley Law Firm, P.A. is located on the left side of the road.
Our offices are located at:
218 East Main Street
Lexington, SC 29072